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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends...

Day 11-Another Picture Of You and Your Friends...

Okay, Here are a few more happy moments with some of my peeps! Thanks again for checking it out! Peace, Sigrid


  1. OMG! I have been reading your blog every day and I just got the biggest smile seeing a pic of you and me in SD. That was a great day in every way, to finally see you after all of these years and to meet two of the most beautiful, thoughtful girls ever. The sushi wasn't bad either. :-) I look forward to reading more about YOU over the next 20 or so days. I love you and take care.


  2. Hey there beautiful! Thank you Andrea, you are such a special and unique lady. I am so grateful to have reconnected with you and I hope we never lose touch for that long again! It was so much fun to see you out here in good ol' Californ I A. My girleez adored you (of course!) I can't wait to see your hubby and meet your son. Wait, when are you coming back?... ;)?

    You are not going to believe what I found... My journal from way back when (remember that night we stayed up reading a bunch of stuff in it a million years ago?)...!!! There was so much blah, blah-ing in that thing...:) It brought laughter and tears to my eyes though!

    So many great times we had and so many memories to look forward to making in the very near future!!! XOXOXO, Vanilla
