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Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 08- Short Term Goals For This Month And Why... - October 25, 2010

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why... Where shall I start?!!! One of my short-term goals for the next 30 days is to complete my taxes from previous years. I am working on getting my girls organized as well, so that home runs really smoothly and enables me to work efficiently. Another goal for the upcoming month is to complete the SDAR Orientation and the Buffini Seminar in Anaheim. My most daunting task is to finish getting organized with everything for work, including a newsletter, organizing and reconnecting with my business contacts, understanding and getting and all of my social networking in place and up and running properly, etc. in order for me to really focus on being productive at work! Phew, I do not know about you, but just writing all that "stuff" has me spinning...:)!!!

Hope you are all well and that any and all goals you have for the next 30 days comes to fruition for you... Peace, Sigrid


  1. Hello again my friend...:) Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! I am like the little engine that could... I walk around all day saying, "I think I can, I think I can"... he he!
